Tuesday 31 May 2011

Hades blazing skull

I am not really influenced by any satanic activity like the way you people must be thinking after watching the above images. :-) It's one of my most finest masterpieces which was created from the dry skull image screened in the first one, then 2nd one without text and finally the third and the largest one with my horrendous nickname :P It took me  4 hours to create it. Hope you like it too. :-)

Poster designed for the symposium held at NED university

The poster above was designed for the symposium as self explanatory from the poster from it's title 'Development & Change through Education' which was held at the NED University of Engineering & Technology. For the first time, I cradled up a twister on the bottom part of the poster due to which it was highly appreciated by NED mob and increased it's significance for acting as a innovative design =) Hope you love this one too =)

Monday 30 May 2011

Project Report title page

Title page designed for the project report. It was the first ever title page designed by me.

Some Concentration on myself =P

Well, i know this ain't a professional one....But I hope you must like it, because everything in the image was created from the scratch and the interesting thingie is that it was my first-hand experience on fonts or so-called 'Typography'. Since, it was too much time-consuming (it took 5 hours :-( ) so I didn't try to create it again...But I believe that I 'll be creating it more realistic and better if I managed to create it again =)

Logos designed for Department of Petroleum Engineering

Well, the yarn and tale about the designing of the logos above are not necessary to discuss here =P You people are wise enough to understand my emotion which I have used. Of course, there's a mini hilarious story about it. I can't mention here as that person had promised me not to disclose the secret =D ...But seriously, I availed the offer alot... While uploading, there's a non-ending contagious smile spread on my face with a devilish essence =D
Hope you like the logos, I could create better logos but that person wanted the simplest =S I added stylish and brisk as additive in the logos =P

My first Project of DVD cover design

Well, that was the very first task which was assigned to me, when I joined the 'Dreamword Graphics Organisation', I was completely unaware of the theme and design, The top one is is the front view while the image below it is the backview..Though it was rejected, perhaps I didn't lose my hope as I had designed for the first time in just 30 minutes...Neither of the members there were eager to help me... I was tinged from their brutality... May be it ain't look much impressive to you but it has a significance for me as it was my first design.

DVD cover designs for movie 'Guzarish'

I worked in 'Dreamworld Graphics Organisation' for two months and I was asked to design the DVD cover for the movie 'Guzarish'... These designs were also promised to act as a display panaflex outside the theatres... The second design was highly appreciated and accepted and was paid a handsome amount ..but don't remember whether it was displayed on the panaflex or not =P

Title page design for project

This title page was designed by me for my sister's project report. Believe me or not , it was illustrated in just 15 minutes =)

Poster designed for the IMARC short-film competition 2011

This poster was designed for the eve of IMARC 2011 within in an hour when we were assigned to make a short film on the the topic 'The lost Identity". The video will be uploaded soon!

Certificate designed for the workshop

I was asked to design the most economical certificate with white background. Many certificates had been designed by various designers, but this one was accepted officially.

Standy designed for the POGEE Conference 2011 held at Expo Centre, Karachi

Sunday 29 May 2011

SNSC declared Chapter of the Month in May 2011

This banner was just created in an hour on the eve of exhibition titling 'POGEE 2011' (Pakistan Oil Gas & Energy Exhibition & Conference) held at Expo Centre, Karachi when our Society of Petroleum Engineers NED Student Chapter (SNSC) won the credit of achieving the Chapter of the month once again and was declared the 'GOLD Standard Status' in May 2011


This banner was designed for the event 'Energy Awareness Week 2011' which was held at the NED University of Engineering and Technology.
It was a 3-day event where I operated all the behind screen multimedia operations successfully and provided the comprehensive look to the event with my multimedia operations.